Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The 3 Most Crucial Brain Nutrients

In order to function at its best, our brain requires many nutrients such as proteins, good fats, vitamins and minerals.  But in order to function at all, your brain requires three crucial nutrients:  oxygen, glucose (the simplest form of sugar) and environmental stimulation.
Environmental stimulation is as necessary as any other nutrient.  Our brain is constantly stimulated by sounds, sights, touch, movement and a myriad of other environmental stimulation's that either come from the outside world or from the internal environment (such as messages relayed from the organs to the brain).
Among the many types of st56imulation that our world provides, one is more important that all the others:  the stimulation from the postural muscles.  Our body, in order to stay upright, needs to constantly adjust to the pull of gravity.  These constant adjustments are made by our postural muscles and the provide a baseline stimulation to our brain.  No one can escape gravity (except for astronauts).  Gravity is constant.  Other stimulation's are not (for example, your eyes are not stimulated when you are asleep).
Some stimulation's are great for the brain, such as the stimulation's provided by our muscles and joints when we move.  Other types of inputs tax our brain for the worse.  Messages from pain, tight muscles or nerves under tension are examples of stimuli that stress our brain.  Faulty input from vertebral subluxation--dysfunctional areas of our spine that interfere with communication in our nervous systems--are also a source of strain to your brain.
For more than 100 years, chiropractors have recognized how our back muscles and our spine affect our brain.  When your spine is healthy and moves freely, it send nurturing messages to your brain.  When your spine is locked or under tension, it bombards your brain with poor stimulation.
Having an unhealthy spine is like eating junk food all day long.  Your might not feel that bad in a few days or weeks, but in the long run, it drains your health.  A poor spine leads to a poor brain.  Chiropractic adjustments bring balance back into your spine and bring your brain back into balance.  Getting regular chiropractic adjustments is one of the best things you can do for your brain. 
Adjustments are safe, make you feel good and are a great way to nurture your brain.  The bring balance to today's lifestyle that too often tax our brains for the worse and make them age too quickly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Study Links Asthma to ADHD

Results of a recent study published in the August 2013 issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology link ADHD symptoms in boys to higher instances of asthma, allergies, and skin infections. A HealthDay article (1) detailing results of the study shared the following:
“Boys diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are more likely also to have asthma, allergies and skin infections than youngsters without ADHD, a new study finds, suggesting a possible link between these conditions. Of those in the study, boys newly diagnosed with ADHD were 40 percent more likely to have asthma, 50 percent more likely to have needed a prescription for allergy medicine and 50 percent more likely to have had a bacterial skin infection than other boys.
“Our study provides additional evidence to support the hypothesis that atopic disorders, such as asthma and food allergies increase the risk of developing ADHD,’ the authors wrote, adding that further research is necessary to determine just how these conditions might be connected…
The authors theorize that the links they found may be food-allergy related. However, this study didn’t attempt to prove cause and effect, so the exact reason behind the association remains unknown.
Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York, said the connection between ADHD and allergic diseases has been seen in other studies.
‘The association seems to be real. The chicken-and-the-egg question remains unanswered. The challenge is in teasing out why they’re linked,’ he said.”
At Whole Child Wellness, we know that a child’s immune response and gut health play vital roles in his or her behavior. That’s why our program includes not only sensory motor and cognitive activities but also nutritional guidelines and support. Our goal is to remove stress on the immune and digestive systems while simultaneously strengthening the under-connectivity between the two hemispheres of the brain called Functional Disconnection Syndrome. After completing a comprehensive assessment, our team develops a customized program to address your child’s particular issues for optimal results. In fact, a recent control study showed that 12 weeks of brain balancing eliminated ADHD symptoms in 81% of participants!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Toxic chemicals and genetic predisposition lessen the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients, causing imbalances in brain chemistry and in the nervous system’s ability to transmit information accurately
Metabolic testing gives us vital information about outside substances that have a clear and definite effect on the biochemistry of your child’s brain.
Supplementation and dietary recommendations are made specifically to your child's needs.
The Whole Child Wellness program addresses all the symptoms of ADHD.  Through a series of sensory-motor and sensory-academic exercises and dietary and nutritional changes, the brain is stimulated to synchronize and start working as a whole.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


As the school year draws to a close, and kids everywhere share the excitement of moving into a long summer break, our kids at Whole Child Wellness are excited about graduating to the next level of the program.

One STAR STUDENT has finished the initial program of dietary changes and at home brain balancing exercises, and is having lots of fun with the metronome portion of the program.
Another SWEETHEART is still surprising us with new words and phrases each time he comes in for his metronome session.
If we gave end of session report cards for these kids, they would get STRAIGHT A's for their achievement thus far!
Good work!
For more Whole Child Wellness success stories, friend us on facebook at
ADHD Whole Child Wellness .

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's fun to see the excitment...

We really enjoy getting to know the kids in our program.  Whole Child Wellness has been working with children for over two years and we have had the pleasure of meeting all types of kids.  Shy kids, happy kids, grumpy kids, angry kids.  Sometimes one kid will display all of these personalities in just one session.

It is a lot of fun to see the excitement grow as our kids progress through the program and become aware of the changes that are being made.  Sometimes they do not even notice change in themselves.  They notice change in how they are perceived by others... new friendships are made, parents are pleased, teachers praise them. They get excited about this new feedback from important people in their life. 
And we get excited knowing that we have given them the keys to a new future!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Excellent Program on Nutrition and ADHD

There is remarkable evidence that certian foods can create neurotoxins in a childs brain that make it difficult for them to think and behave. 
We invite you to join us on Thursday, May 10th at 6pm at "The Meeting Place" for important information on what foods children with neurobehavioral disorders should avoid and why. 
For more information please call 252-638-6062.  No reservation required.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Protecting your childs brain from electromagnetic pollution

#1  Limit your child's total combined exposure to video games, television, and computer to no more than 90 minutes per day during the week and no more that 2 hours per day on the weekend.  Make sure your child sits at least 6 feet from the television at all times.

#2  Limit the use of cell phones to necessity only.  Use an earplug extension if possible.

#3  Ensure that your child's brain and body are not directly exposed to electronic devices during the night.  If any devices are present within 15 feet (even through walls) of your child's bed, we recommend you disconnect them during the night. 

#4  Take ample opportunities to reconnect with the Earth by walking barefoot in the grass or in the sand at the beach.  Direct contact with the Earth helps reset our internal electromagnetic fields.

Log on to and learn why electromagnetic pollution can affect your child's brain.