Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Try this simple exercise before starting homework.

Do you battle with your child each night over homework?  Kids are worn out and tired from school.  Parents are worn out and tired from work.  Dinner needs to be fixed.  After school sports attended.  The last thing a parent wants is an uncooperative child thrown into the mix, unwilling to focus on his or her homework . 

Can doing something as simple as "sipping water" and "hook-ups" help?  The answer is yes! 

Sipping water promotes efficient electrical and chemical action between the brain and nervous system, which helps with the storage and retrieval of information.  Water makes up 80% of our body weight and is essential for the electrical transmissions within our nervous systems.  There is an observable correlation between sipping water, good cognitive function, and emotional calm.

Hook-ups draws attention to the body's mid line and core postural muscles, supporting higher-order thinking and choice making.  Doing the activity invites calm while focusing and organizing scattered attention.
This activity improves self control and sense of boundaries and increases comfort in the environment (less hypersensitivity).

For information on how to do "sipping water" and "hook-ups", or on other "Brain Gym" activities, please go to .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What are the key pieces in your child's ADHD puzzle?

There are so many factors that contribute to the dysfunction of the brain in neurobehavioral disorders.  Whole Child Wellness is the only program that examines each piece of the ADHD puzzle, specific to your child, and determines which pieces are key.

Food intolerance's or gut permeability could be causing aggressive behavior.  Heavy metals could be the cause of developmental delays.  Hemisphericity may be the reason for lack of focus and concentration.  No other program will examine so comprehensively, the pieces to your child's ADHD puzzle. 

If you are looking for the reason, and the solution for your child's symptoms, let us examine his or her puzzle. 

The pieces may surprise you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meet us at the Zing Zumm Family Expo.

Want to talk with Dr. Flemming and the Brain Coaches personally?  We'll be at the Zing Zumm Family Expo at the Fairgrounds in Jacksonville on Saturday, May 21st, from 10:00-4:00.

We will also be having several Educational Parents Nights in May and June where the Dr. will speak about the ADHD brain and how our program works.  Please check out for more information. 

This week and next week we will be delivering our ADHD Resource Kits to local schools.  Not only does it have information about our program, but it is specifically designed to offer teachers ideas on how to reach and teach ADHD children.  Our upcoming newsletter will have more information on this project.  To sign up for this newletter, please e-mail NEWSLETTER to .