Friday, April 20, 2012

Protecting your childs brain from electromagnetic pollution

#1  Limit your child's total combined exposure to video games, television, and computer to no more than 90 minutes per day during the week and no more that 2 hours per day on the weekend.  Make sure your child sits at least 6 feet from the television at all times.

#2  Limit the use of cell phones to necessity only.  Use an earplug extension if possible.

#3  Ensure that your child's brain and body are not directly exposed to electronic devices during the night.  If any devices are present within 15 feet (even through walls) of your child's bed, we recommend you disconnect them during the night. 

#4  Take ample opportunities to reconnect with the Earth by walking barefoot in the grass or in the sand at the beach.  Direct contact with the Earth helps reset our internal electromagnetic fields.

Log on to and learn why electromagnetic pollution can affect your child's brain. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

New, restructured program lessens cost and starts treatment at home.

In the first phase of the Whole Child Wellness program our focus is to determine outside substances  creating dysfunction in the brain.  Are there food sensitivities or food allergies?  Is the gut functioning properly to completely break down and digest the food consumed?  Are there any nutritional deficiencies?  Is there a build up of toxic substances such as aluminum, lead or arsenic in the tissues? 

Any of the above conditions can be the root cause of hemisphericity, and can be determined with three simple lab tests during Phase One of our program.  It takes just minutes to perform the labs, approximately 2-4 weeks to receive the results of these labs and only a day or so for Dr. Flemming to write her report.  During a private consultation, Dr. Flemming explains the results of the labs and makes very specific recommendations designed to correct any positive findings, and remove offending substances creating brain dysfunction.

Treatment is done at home by following the Dr's recommendations.  You may be required to make some dietary changes or avoid certain substances.  Reports sometimes indicate that a particular nutritional supplement would be beneficial.  With most patients, all treatment is done at home, lessening cost to the patient.
If you are interested in starting Phase One of the Whole Child Wellness program or would like more information, please contact us at, call us at 252-638-2215, or log on to .